Serving in Cuenca, Ecuador

Friday, October 19, 2012


P8160213, originally uploaded by A Family On A Mission.

We have been in Cuenca for a year and had never been to the main museum so while the kids were on the school vacation we decided to go. Outside of the museum there are ruins from the old city of Cuenca. It's pretty neat how they made their buildings and harvested their foods. The kids enjoyed seeing all the rock walls and learning more about the culture here. It's a definitely a must see for anyone who comes to visit.

50 Years

P8090189, originally uploaded by A Family On A Mission.

Our family went to a 50 year wedding renewal with a couple from the church here. It was a great night where their grandkids, kids and the rest of their family celebrated 50 years of marriage and a re-commitment to their marriage at the same time. It is rare these days, especially here in South America for two people to have committed that much time in their lives being married. There is so much divorce or other problems that enter the marriage that it is hard to find a couple that has been willing to work out their differences or problems and make the marriage work. So it is a great accomplishment to celebrate a couple who had been together for 50 years and counting. We hope that through this celebration, many of the people in our church will also be willing to rededicate themselves to their relationships whether they are married or not but in all their relationships. Especially the one that they have with God. So please be in prayers for the marriages in this church, the couples who are struggling and for all those in the city who struggle with the commitment of marriage. And also a pray of praise for this couple who celebrated 50 years together. As well, keep Travis in your prayers as he works with couples who are struggling or want extra help to make their marriages strong and healthy. But especially that whether single, married, divorced or all other things, that our relationship with God is the most important dedication that we have and ever will make in our lives.

Via Flickr:

Chorro de Giron

P8050163, originally uploaded by A Family On A Mission.

During the school holidays we went with the church in Azogues on a little trip to a waterfall about an hour away from Cuenca. Just by the waterfall was a little park where you could play soccer, the kids could go on swings and slides and you could barbeque food. So the church got together to get some things to put on the barbeque and we enjoyed the day playing games, eating great food and taking a hike up the mountain to see the waterfall. Some of the youth even went walking behind the waterfall getting soaked in the process. It was not a warm day so I don't know what they were thinking. As well we were able to meet a new couple that the church invited with twin girls who were two. Travis has started meeting with them since this time as they have had some struggles in their marriage. It was great to meet them in a more relaxed and comfortable place then at the church building because they felt more at ease and were more open to talking about themselves. So please be in prayer for them and their family, for their marriage and the opportunity that Travis has to teach them more about God and his plan for them. Also be in prayer for the church in Azogues as they continue to search for new opportunities to invited people from their community to come to know God. And for our continued relationship with the group there and that we can have more times like this mini trip to get to know them better.