Serving in Cuenca, Ecuador

Friday, October 19, 2012

50 Years

P8090189, originally uploaded by A Family On A Mission.

Our family went to a 50 year wedding renewal with a couple from the church here. It was a great night where their grandkids, kids and the rest of their family celebrated 50 years of marriage and a re-commitment to their marriage at the same time. It is rare these days, especially here in South America for two people to have committed that much time in their lives being married. There is so much divorce or other problems that enter the marriage that it is hard to find a couple that has been willing to work out their differences or problems and make the marriage work. So it is a great accomplishment to celebrate a couple who had been together for 50 years and counting. We hope that through this celebration, many of the people in our church will also be willing to rededicate themselves to their relationships whether they are married or not but in all their relationships. Especially the one that they have with God. So please be in prayers for the marriages in this church, the couples who are struggling and for all those in the city who struggle with the commitment of marriage. And also a pray of praise for this couple who celebrated 50 years together. As well, keep Travis in your prayers as he works with couples who are struggling or want extra help to make their marriages strong and healthy. But especially that whether single, married, divorced or all other things, that our relationship with God is the most important dedication that we have and ever will make in our lives.

Via Flickr:

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