Serving in Cuenca, Ecuador

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Bi-Monthly Update:
One of those things that you “love” when you live in a foreign country is sometimes your ability to communicate with the world and home you left behind gets cut off. That is what happened to us this past week. And even after going to get help to fix the problem with our internet, it still took them till yesterday afternoon to finally fix the problem. It makes you feel disconnected with people back home, especially with your families. So we are glad to be back online and to be able to send you all a little update on us and our work.
Small Group: We have started up our small group again after the summer vacation and are continued to be amazed who comes and what God is doing in our group. We are also hoping to have a night for just the teens as we have quite a few that have been coming and wanting to get together to get to know each other better. So please continue to be in prayer for our group, for those who continue to come and those who are searching. As well pray for our teens and the possibility to share more of God with them.
New Baptism: The last little while we have had a family visiting both the Turi and Azogues churches searching for something missing from their last church family. They have three sons and a married daughter. One of their teenage sons has been searching and desiring to follow God so Travis met with him about two weeks ago and last Sunday he was baptized just outside of Azogues. The great thing is that all the people from Azogues as well as Turi all went to celebrate this special dedication of his life to serving God. Please be in prayer for Oscar as he continues on his Spiritual walk with God.
Graduation: With help from many people in Canada our friend Nuvia was able to graduate from two years of Beauty school. We are proud of her accomplishment and that she was able to complete it even though she had a baby in the middle of her time studying. It just shows her dedication and desire to be able to provide more for her family. We look forward to having her slowly build up clients and have another career to support her four children. Benjamin, her new baby is almost four months old now and is a joy to their family. Please keep Nuvia and her kids in your prayers as they head into another phase of life. Especially be in prayer for Hannah as she continues to grow very slowly for her age and that the doctors can find her a treatment that will help her.

Family News: We are still waiting for our new baby to make its arrival in October. Of course Ceara wants a girl and Calen wants a boy, so we will all be happy when we can finally know and announce its birth. Alicia is doing well, though has already had quite a few false contractions so this baby could come sooner than later. Please keep her and the baby in your prayers as she will be having a C-section to deliver the baby. Pray for safety of birth for our new child and for Alicia’s recovery as well for the doctors who will be there during the delivery. Please also pray for our family as we adjust to being a family of five and for our other two kids as they adjust to being big brother and big sister. 

1 comment:

  1. Are you guys posting on another platform?

    Hugs, Russell Q
