Serving in Cuenca, Ecuador

Friday, November 25, 2011

New Update on Boxes!

Well it's been awhile since we got back from Quito in attempt to get our boxes out of the customs in Quito and got a lawyer to start the process again with the hopes of better news. Since then the kids have started school, we continue to get busier with the work here, we bought fish, Ceara had her fifth birthday, Cuenca days went by, we bought a dog and so much more. During all of this time we have been waiting as patiently as possible on news of our boxes. After a long time we finally heard back from the lawyer. First of all, he was not able to get our boxes but he did discover that the boxes in question actually were not located in the post office that we had been to when we went to Quito. In fact, they had never even made it out of the airport customs so that was one of the major reasons we did not get our boxes when we went to Quito. Why they couldn't tell us that when we were there is a question I don't think we will ever know the answer to.
However, since the boxes never left the actual customs at the airport, this lawyer was not able to get the boxes out as he has only ever worked with the post office customs. So we have been told to hire a customs officer to get our boxes out. This means again we have to return to Quito. With the kids in school now, it makes it more difficult to get us all there so Travis is giving up his time to make the trip to Quito. He will leave on Monday morning and arrive to Quito that same morning and deliver all the paperwork to this customs officer and hopefully we will have some sort of confirmation to whether or not we can get our boxes. Travis will stay until Wednesday night just in case it takes longer to get them.
During the time that he waits, he will also attempt to get his cedula, which is our equivalent to a social security number. We all need to get this done so he will forge the way and then whenever our whole family can return to Quito then we will already know what is needed for us all to get our cedulas too.
Today, I spent the morning getting a notarized document giving Travis the rights to get our boxes, as they have my name on them and I won't be going so that the kids can continue to go to school without more interruption and to take care of them as they have both been sick. Hopefully, this document is just a formality and won't really be needed but I figure better safe then sorry. I wouldn't want him getting there and the customs saying he can't get them out as it's my name on the boxes.
Please be in prayer as he travels and talks to the people there. That God will touch the hearts of those working and that they will see that we just are looking to get our personal belongings and nothing more. We hope this will be the end of our long saga of the boxes! Please just be in prayer that we can get them and not have to continue to worry about how to get them. And pray for the safe travel of Travis while he is away from us!

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