Serving in Cuenca, Ecuador

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bell Academy

P6040051, originally uploaded by A Family On A Mission.

We have been looking for awhile now and new school for the kids, one that they can both go to at the same time and that wasn't so far away from the city. We were tired of sending Ceara about an hour ride to and from school everyday and having to get up at 6am in the morning. We finally found a great school in the city called Bell Academy. It's a smaller and newer school which is great because that means that there won't be more then 15 kids in a class. As well, the school teaches three languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese. So our kids will be able to speak all three and be able to remember the language of where they were born. We are very excited about this. The director is from Cuenca and is married a to a teacher born in Brail but his grandparents are from England. We are glad that they will be able to relate well with our kid with their multiple places that they have lived and languages they have spoken. We are excited to see what this next year brings to them and what they will learn and experience in the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. How does one get in touch with Bell Academy? Does it still exist? Do your children still attend? Do you recommend it? I went to the website and it wasn't functional. I tried to email them using the email listed on their website but the email got returned to me.
