Serving in Cuenca, Ecuador

Friday, July 27, 2012

Birthday Party!

P6290059, originally uploaded by A Family On A Mission.

Ceara and I went for a long trip one day to go to a birthday party of a friend from her school. We had received the invitation and according to the directions it was at a party house and seemed pretty close to where we lived. However, it took us at least 30 minutes to arrive and when we got there we actually were one of the first to get there. However, the party house was a neat place, it had a few inflatable toys to play on, a large yard for games and soccer and this pool. It was a very cold day so being outside was not as fun but after the birthday boy got there (who ended up with a fever) we were able to go into the pool room which to our surprise was heated and a needed break from the cold outside. Ceara had lots of fun playing with her school friends and I got to visit with some of the ladies. Unfortunately this was probably one of the last times Ceara will get to see those friends from school as next year she will be attending a new school. But like we tell her, you'll have lots of new friends next year and can always call your old friends for a play date. But it was good to get together one last time with them.

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